Solutions for high performing synthetic transformer fluids

In a world w在这里 the demand for electricity is growing, the need for high performing, 安全, and environmentally friendly transformer fluids has never been greater. 在Perstorp, we're at the forefront of this transformation, offering solutions that enable the shift towards synthetic transformer fluids that can meet the evolving demands of the global transformer market.

Global transformer market trends 

The push for energy efficiency and grid resilience is driving innovation in transformer 侦探hnology. Countries upgrading their aging infrastructures and the rise of microgrids, fueled by renewable energy integration, require reliable and smart transformers for a resilient 21st-century power grid. 另外, the growing emphasis on sustainability and life cycle analysis in the market is heightening the demand for innovative solutions that address these evolving needs.

Enhancing transformer fluids with synthetic ester chemistry

Synthetic transformer fluids, based on polyol esters, are well suited to meet the needs of the evolving market. They offer an excellent blend of performance, sustainability, and 安全ty.

The key benefits of the synthetic esters include:

  • Lower environmental impact: Synthetic ester-based transformer fluids are readily biodegradable, minimizing the environmental impact of possible leaks and spills. 
  • Improved fire 安全ty: A higher fire point compared to mineral oils reduces the risk of transformer-related fires and enhances overall 安全ty. 
  • Excellent Oxidation stability: They provide transformer fluids with improved thermal stability that surpasses that of mineral oils, ensuring that these fluids last longer and remain stable over extended periods.

Perstorp solutions for synthetic transformer fluids 

Perstorp offers a comprehensive 投资组合 of synthetic ester building blocks, such as neopolyols and carboxylic acids, tailored for the needs of formulators. As the world’s leading producer of key building blocks, we use our extensive knowledge to support our partners in developing high-performance synthetic transformer fluids.  

作为我们 Pro-Environment Solutions 投资组合, we offer essential building blocks for synthesizing transformer fluids which help reduce the insulating fluid’s product carbon footprint (PCF). More specifically, Perstorp offers VoxtarTM, our Pro-Environment counterpart to Pentaerythritol, and 2-EHA Pro. Our Pro-Environment products ad在这里 to an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance approach and are based on both physical and chemical traceability. Since these products come from mass balanced raw materials sourced from renewable and recycled feedstock, these products significantly reduce the PCF of insulating fluids and support more sustainable energy practices.


Global Business Development Manager

+886 988 349 490



Global Business Development Manager

+886 988 349 490
